Thursday, March 7, 2013


Today was my monthly appointment with Dr. Fitzgibbon.  Laserbombs heartrate was 148, so doing good.  I asked about why I am feeling so much pressure on my right side and she said that his back is up againts my ribs and that area is just stretching. She asked if I am feeling movemebt and kicking.  I told her not a lot of hard kicks but moving around a lot.  She said all the kicks and movement that I am feeling so low is very normal for my second pregnancy.

I had a lot of questions at this appointment - checked in about my swollen ankles and she said it was very normal.  My pressure today was 122/74 which is high for me. She said at this point in my pregnancy, this is very normal.  I also asked about going on the fetal monitor like I did with Kailey and she said about week 36 we will start doing that.

Before my next appointment I have to do my glucose test and another ultrasound just to check on his kidney's.  She said the results from the last ultrasound are very normal for a boy so no worries. 

I am off work tomorrow to start cleaning out the baby's bedroom and we picked a paint color this past weekend.  I am so ready to start getting his room ready!  Now if we could get a name so I can stop referring to him as he, him, etc oh... and Laserbomb!

15 more weeks to go!