Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Since this weekend I have really started to feel pregnant.  I'm having more and more trouble sleeping, bending over, getting up and down the stairs.....

Laserbomb is moving more and more but still not a lot of big kicking. On 4/22 mom got to feel a good kick and at work, I could see my stomach moving which is just freaky! 

I also noticed this past weekend that I am starting to get that light brown line starting at my belly button. 

I feel like things are coming up quick and we are just not ready for this little guy to make an appearance yet!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Today I had a check up with Dr. Mauro that lasted a whole 3 minutes. Baby's heartbeat was at 150 which was good.  My blood work and glucose test came back normal and that extra ultrasound on his kidney's - everything is all good :)

In the meantime, I am still feeling blah.  My morning sickness is making a reappearance out of no where.  And looking at some meat - forget about it!

I recently asked Kailey what color hair she thought her brother would have.  Brown like mommy or yellow like her and daddy.  Her response... "No!"  Like I was crazy.  Then she went on to tell me that babies don't have hair and she didn't have hair.  Well, I have to say that she was right with that one! 

Monday, April 1, 2013


I've been feeling some kicks but still just lots of movement.  Tonight while I was laying on the couch, I could feel laserbomb moving a lot so I had Rob come over and sit.  Finally a good kick!  I know there will be more as he gets bigger but it was nice for Rob to finally feel him move :)


Tonight we had an ultrasound to check on Laserbomb's kidney reading.  Kailey and my mom came with tonight and most of the pictures were just of the kidneys.  At the end, the tech did do some over all pictures.  This little boys profile is just like his sister!  He definitely has Kailey's nose.  He gave us a little yawn and then puckered up his lips. Mom asked if they could tell how big he is and thats when the tech laid a bomb on us.  He is already 3lbs 7 oz!  All my baby books are saying that he should just be over 2lbs.  Eek!  The tech showed us the curve and he is in the 90th percentile.  He had to be above the curve to be considered a "big" baby but 3-7 sounds big to me!!  After I came home and told Rob, he said we should probably be ready sooner than later.  :)

I've had a cold for a few weeks that I just can't seem to kick and I started getting charlie horses.  3 in 1 night was real fun! 

Rob has started on the babies room.  It's all painted and he is trimming now.  Things are moving along!!