Wednesday, October 24, 2012


I have to write about how different this pregnancy has been compared to my first.  I remember being tired with Kailey but this is just ridiculous!  I am in bed and passed out by 9pm.  I count down how much time till I can get home and try to lay down while Kailey eats dinner.  Maybe I am feeling it more since I am taking care of an almost 5 year old too but I am wiped out!

And "morning" sickness.  Holy moly!  Some days I am fine and nothing bothers me.  Other days I wake up so nauseous that I am not even sure I can get out of bed.  And the thoughts of some food could cause me to dry heave right on the spot.  Subway.  I almost had to pull over when I drove past it the other day.  Even thinking about it typing now, I have a lump in my throat.  Meat.  Specifically ground beef, turkey, chicken.  I cant eat or look at it.  I almost lost it when I went grocery shopping past the meat department at Walmart.  Chicken is ok, ground meat is out and depending on the day, most other meat grosses me out.  Looks like its going to be a lot of chicken, pasta and pizza dinners! 

And boy am I crabby.  Maybe it's the feeling of being tired but I pray that Kailey and Rob can deal with my mood swings!

Kailey and I took my first official "Week" pregnancy picture.  Rob and I thought it would be nice for her to be in them with me.  

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