Tuesday, November 13, 2012


What an emotional day!  I had to visit Kailey's Kindergarten for the Fall and then her IEP meeting.  I can't believe she is going to be in Kindergarten!  Then tonight we had our first ultrasound.  We told Kailey that we had a surprise for her tonight so I think she was a little confused when we walked into a doctors office.

The ultrasound technician was great with Kailey.  They had me lay down and put the gel on my belly.  Kailey was next to me with the most curious look on her face.  I told her that the lady was going to look in my belly.  She went and sat by Rob and were watching the screen.  I told the tech that she didn't know what was happening yet so she said she would keep quiet until she got all the pictures so we could tell her.  She had a hard time getting a good picture at first and thought she may have to do an internal ultrasound.  She said if that was the case, Kailey would have to leave but she was going to try her hardest so she could watch.

Kailey kept coming by me and kept me laughing.  She kept touching my belly and looking at the gel.  When the tech was all done, she turned the monitor.  Rob came over and you could clearly see the little peanut.  We asked Kailey if she could see the little peanut on the tv and the tech was pointing and we told her that mommy has a baby in her belly.  I wish to God that I would have recorded her reaction!  Her eyebrows crinkled in with so much confusion.  Then Rob told her she was going to be a big sister and she smiled from ear to ear.  The tech showed us the heartbeat on the monitor which was so cool since the baby is measuring 2.55cm.  Kailey was laughing that I have a baby in my belly.  We talked about how my belly is going to get real big how so the baby can grown.  We gave her the picture to look at and she just smiled.  By the time we got to the car, she was over it.  LOL

I am measuring at 9 weeks.  The doctor had figured 8 weeks.  But since we were trying and we know the week we did get pregnant, that is really 7 weeks.  I have an appointment in 2 days with the doctor so hopefully we can figure this out.  My due date went from June 23 to June 15.  Guess we wait and see!

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