Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I came to work today - everyone can't believe I am here.  Me neither!  This morning Kailey woke up and first thing she said to me was that she wants to kiss her brother and that he is going to like her and he is going to like chocolate milk.  : )

She knows that she has to wait a few days after he is born to kiss him but in the meantime, she wants to kiss my belly.  It's adorable when she looks up at me from my belly and says "Can I kiss my brother?" 

She is going to be such an amazing big sister!


I'm still pregnant.  No baby this weekend.

I walked into the doctors office this morning and the girl at the desk said she told them not to pull my chart and that I probably had the baby this weekend.  She looked so disappointed.  Me too.....

I did the NST test.  Laserbomb was moving quite a bit so I was only on it for about 25 mins.  Dr Fitzgibbon came in and checked me and said I was still at a 2 but a loose 2 - whatever that means.  She asked about being induced again and I said I would still like to wait but I could be put on the calendar so I asked for Thursday.  Kailey was born on a Thursday too and both kids would have 7's in their birthdays, the 17th and 27th.

She did ask if I wanted to try and strip my membranes.  We did that with Kailey and had no luck but I also hadn't even dilated so I said let's go for it.  At least I wouldn't be induced.  It hurt like I can't even describe!  she said she got me good and that I may even see her tonight. 

Either way - 4 more days to go at the most!

In other baby news.....

Kailey is getting so excited.  She knows that he is coming any day and she just lights up!  We went to the doctor for her this afternoon and she has some kind of bacterial infection on her face.  The nurse said that with medication she won't be contagious and can hold her brother but since the outbreak is by her mouth, she probably shouldn't kiss him.  This is devastating news.  She can't wait to kiss her brother!  Hopefully it clears up soon! 


I was getting ready to leave for my appointment when I got a call that my dad took a turn for the worse in the hospital.  I called the office and they said to take my time with dad and stop in before 4pm.  I was able to make it about an hour late to the office and saw Dr Fitzgibbon.  I skipped the NST test today but she did check me and said I was dilated to 2!  She said I was soft and could feel the head.  Woo hoo!

I asked if it could be this weekend and she said it was a possibility but if not, schedule an appointment for Monday morning.

She asked if I wanted to talk about being induced and that I could be put on the calendar for Tuesday.  I told her I would like to try and go on my own and maybe we could figure it out if I was here on Monday.

Here is hoping this is the last of my appointments!

Monday, June 17, 2013


Well today was my due date according my 20 week ultrasound.  No baby. 

I had my weekly appointment with Dr Egan this week.  I got hooked up to the NST machine and soon after, Laserbomb was moving.  I thought this would be quick since he is actually active.  WRONG!  I think they forgot about me back there.  After almost an hour, I sat up.  My back was killing me.  I didn't care that they weren't getting a reading now, there was plenty recorded!  Baby's heartbeat was staying pretty consistently in the 140's,

Dr Egan came in and was like- you have been on here for a long time.  No kidding!  Waiting for you!

So he measured my belly and then did his internal exam.  He says "wow!"  I am thinking he is going to send me to the hospital!  He says to me that the head is really high. WHAT?!? I told him I feel his head falling out between my legs! He said it may because I have been sitting so long and if (IF!) I have a full bladder. I told him I KNOW I have a full bladder! I had drank a whole solo cup of water and ate all the ice in a matter of minutes. So he did a quick ultrasound and could see that his head was just sitting on my bladder but said for sure, no baby this weekend and then says to me - it could be a week or weeks. WEEKS?!?!?!?!?!

I seriously thought he was coming this weekend.  It would have been cool to have him on Father's Day or the 17th so that him and Kailey had the same date.  

So now I sit and wait.  My maternity clothes are getting tight.  The only gym shoes that I can wear and getting tight.  I am not sure I will go this whole week before my next appointment.  There is just no room!


Rob is working midnights which would seem like a good time for a baby to come now.  Mom is spending the night the rest of the week - just in case. 

He finally had the hiccups again tonight so that Kailey could feel it.  It was a riot.  She thought it was so funy to feel him moving so much.  I love watching her eyes light up!  

Laserbomb is just running out of room.  When he stretches now, you can actually start to feel his limbs on the outside of my belly.  It's really gross and cool at the same time.  Not sure how much longer I can go!  Doctors appointment this Friday - hoping some good news!

Friday, June 7, 2013


Well we made it through Kailey's 1st recital with no baby!  Whew!  This week I have not been feeling very well and have dropped a lot more.  I thought for sure he would be here or maybe by this weekend.  I have been having horrible hot flashes or I am just hot all the time.  Like sweating at my hairline, feel the need to rip off my clothes - sweating.  It's so gross.  And it hasn't even been hot out - 60's and 70's!

I had my weekly check up again today and saw Dr Mauro again.  I was given my epidural info and info on when to call and go to the hospital when things start happening.  This scared me.  I mean we are right around the corner from adding to our family!!!

I was hooked up to the NST machine and with in minutes baby was kicking.  Well I thought he was until every 5 seconds I felt a movement.  Little guy had his first case of hiccups while I was on the machine.  Nice timing.  It only lasted a minute or so but he did give a few good kicks and was done in 15 minutes.  Kailey had the hiccups all the time.  I think it was in the last month of my pregnancy but every day, several times a day. 

Doctor checked me and said I was at about a fingertip dilated so things are progressing but didn't seem to act like the baby would be here this week.  So thats good news!  Going to try and have the car seat installed this week and after that - we are about set to go!

Friday, May 31, 2013


Check up today with Dr. Mauro went as expected.  I was hooked up to the NST machine and I sat there and just waited for this little guy to move.  And sat.  And sat some more.  In the middle of being on the monitor, the doctor came in to do my exam.  He did a Step B culture and an internal exam.  The internal was pretty painful.  He said it was because he was pushing on the baby's head.  Eek!  He measured me and said I was on tract. 

I sat a little longer on the machine and the baby finally started to move.  There was enough of a reading that I was out of there in just an hour. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Can't breathe today.  Not sure what this guy is doing but I have been short of breath most of the day.  This happened with Kailey and I panicked and called the doctors office.  They had me go to the ER to get checked out and after sitting there with Rob for about an hour, I was cleared to go home.  Baby was just squishing my lungs.  So I am thinking thats the same today.  It went away mid day but is back again.  It's going to be a long night!


Another weekly check up and another week of sitting for over an hour waiting for this little guy to move.  I was hooked up to the NST machine and his heart rate was reading in the mid 130's but the line for activity was pretty darn straight.  After awhile, doctor Egan came in and said he was sleeping and how the baby will go into a deep sleep for 20-40 minutes throughout the day.  So he had me lay on my side and gave my belly a little jiggle.  He gave a few good movements but not a ton.  I felt like I was in there forever when Dr Fitzgibbon came in and asked where Dr Egan left off.  She said there was enough movement and I would be back in a week.  I am hoping one of these appointments goes quick!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Miserable.  Just miserable.  I started getting my bag ready for the hospital last night so I feel a little more prepared.  After that, things kinda went down hill.  I am so hot all the time but especially at night.  I can not get cool enough.  I used my body pillow last night hoping that would help me sleep better.  No luck.  Between having to go to the bathroom 3 times a night and being hot, I just tossed and turned all night long.  I could not get comfortable.  I am so tired today. I also have a pain at the top of my bump.  I am going to ask the nurse here at work what it could be.  It may just be me stretching but it hurts and if I tough the spot, its just painful. 

I am really ready to be done with this!


Today I started my NST (non stress test) at my weekly appointments and this little guy was not cooperating at all!  Usually his heartbeat is on my right side and today it was on the left.  The nurse had my laying back pretty far and it was hard to drink water and eat ice to get him moving.  His heartrate was only reading in the low 120's to the low 130's and he is usually in the 150's.

The monitor just could not pick up a good heartbeat.  Dr Mauro came in and said he would give it a little bit to see if he started moving more.  He just wasn't kicking or moving a whole bunch.  After coming in a little later, he said that if he wasn't moving more, I would have to have an ultrasound.  Earlier in the day he kicked so hard that one of the girls at work saw my belly move!  Of course, now that I am sitting in the office, he is sleeping.

The nurse came in and I sat up more and asked for more ice to get him moving.  I got a few good kicks but still not much.  After some more time, doctor said that he had enough of a reading.  When I left, I realized I had been there for an hour!

Hopefully he is much more cooperative for the next appointment since we have to do this weekly until he is here!

Monday, May 13, 2013


I had my monthly check up with Dr Fitzgibbon today.  Baby's heartbeat is 151 and sounds good.  I asked her when she would have an idea of how big this little guy is going to be and she said at my 36 week appointment (I am 33 weeks).  But based off of measurements she said he is going to be somewhere in the 8lb range!

My next appointment is May 16th and from there I will go every week and sit on the baby monitor.  In the meantime, we are just trying to think of a name and get things ready.  Time is flying by now! 

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Holy heartburn and swollen feet!  Seems like no matter what I eat the last week or so, I get heartburn.  It's getting old really quick!

And my feet!  I don't even recognize myself!  My lower legs, ankles, feet, toes - are huge!  I can hardly fit my feet in my sandals.

And 1 more thing.  I am tired of peeing every few minutes! 


Today was the Baby Sprinkle at our house.  I was very overwhelmed by the generosity of our family and friends.  I thought we might get an outfit or a toy from people but everyone went way over board!  I am starting to feel like we are a little more prepared for Laserbomb to come.  I am taking off a day soon to put all his things away and see what I still need to buy to get things ready for him.  Its hard to believe that i am 31 weeks pregnant!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Since this weekend I have really started to feel pregnant.  I'm having more and more trouble sleeping, bending over, getting up and down the stairs.....

Laserbomb is moving more and more but still not a lot of big kicking. On 4/22 mom got to feel a good kick and at work, I could see my stomach moving which is just freaky! 

I also noticed this past weekend that I am starting to get that light brown line starting at my belly button. 

I feel like things are coming up quick and we are just not ready for this little guy to make an appearance yet!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Today I had a check up with Dr. Mauro that lasted a whole 3 minutes. Baby's heartbeat was at 150 which was good.  My blood work and glucose test came back normal and that extra ultrasound on his kidney's - everything is all good :)

In the meantime, I am still feeling blah.  My morning sickness is making a reappearance out of no where.  And looking at some meat - forget about it!

I recently asked Kailey what color hair she thought her brother would have.  Brown like mommy or yellow like her and daddy.  Her response... "No!"  Like I was crazy.  Then she went on to tell me that babies don't have hair and she didn't have hair.  Well, I have to say that she was right with that one! 

Monday, April 1, 2013


I've been feeling some kicks but still just lots of movement.  Tonight while I was laying on the couch, I could feel laserbomb moving a lot so I had Rob come over and sit.  Finally a good kick!  I know there will be more as he gets bigger but it was nice for Rob to finally feel him move :)


Tonight we had an ultrasound to check on Laserbomb's kidney reading.  Kailey and my mom came with tonight and most of the pictures were just of the kidneys.  At the end, the tech did do some over all pictures.  This little boys profile is just like his sister!  He definitely has Kailey's nose.  He gave us a little yawn and then puckered up his lips. Mom asked if they could tell how big he is and thats when the tech laid a bomb on us.  He is already 3lbs 7 oz!  All my baby books are saying that he should just be over 2lbs.  Eek!  The tech showed us the curve and he is in the 90th percentile.  He had to be above the curve to be considered a "big" baby but 3-7 sounds big to me!!  After I came home and told Rob, he said we should probably be ready sooner than later.  :)

I've had a cold for a few weeks that I just can't seem to kick and I started getting charlie horses.  3 in 1 night was real fun! 

Rob has started on the babies room.  It's all painted and he is trimming now.  Things are moving along!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Today was my monthly appointment with Dr. Fitzgibbon.  Laserbombs heartrate was 148, so doing good.  I asked about why I am feeling so much pressure on my right side and she said that his back is up againts my ribs and that area is just stretching. She asked if I am feeling movemebt and kicking.  I told her not a lot of hard kicks but moving around a lot.  She said all the kicks and movement that I am feeling so low is very normal for my second pregnancy.

I had a lot of questions at this appointment - checked in about my swollen ankles and she said it was very normal.  My pressure today was 122/74 which is high for me. She said at this point in my pregnancy, this is very normal.  I also asked about going on the fetal monitor like I did with Kailey and she said about week 36 we will start doing that.

Before my next appointment I have to do my glucose test and another ultrasound just to check on his kidney's.  She said the results from the last ultrasound are very normal for a boy so no worries. 

I am off work tomorrow to start cleaning out the baby's bedroom and we picked a paint color this past weekend.  I am so ready to start getting his room ready!  Now if we could get a name so I can stop referring to him as he, him, etc oh... and Laserbomb!

15 more weeks to go!

Thursday, February 28, 2013


Today was the first time that little Laserbomb gave me a big kick!  It was pretty late in the evening and 2 quick kicks at the top of my belly.  Of course no one was around.  Then the next morning I was laying in bed waiting for Kailey to wake up and had a ton of kicks in my lower belly so I am pretty sure he was breech then.  Rob was at work and Kailey was asleep so it was just mommy and Laserbomb time

Within this past week I have only had one other big kick.  There are some days though that I can feel him moving all around.  Not sure if he is practicing somersaults or what but he is definitely a mover!

Kailey is getting more lovey dovey with my belly every day.  She rubs her cheek against my belly and and says,  “AWWWW”.  She says in this high pitched, sweet little whisper, “Hi baby, Hi!” She talked about how big my belly is getting and that her brother is growing up.  I just can’t wait to see how she will be with him.  She is already such a good big sister!

This is a video of me and Kailey one morning while I was trying to get ready

Friday, February 8, 2013


Today was my 5 month appointment with Dr Egan.  Told him I am feeling pretty good but Laser bomb is beating me up in there!

Heartbeat was very good at 158.  Dr. Egan said he is a happy baby :)

He went over the ultrasound and said everything looked good but that the kidney reading was off a bit.  The reading was 3mm which is normal but it said prominent and not abnormal.  Usually he said that the kidney would measure at 5mm if there were issues. He said there was no concern but they would do an additional ultrasound at 7 months to see how things are.

Of course I went right to google to see what the deal was.I found a lot of discussion boards that talked about how this was normal is boys and usually by delivery everything was fine.  So no worries for now.

I am still waiting for this baby to kick hard enough that Rob and Kailey can feel all his movement but for right now, it's just between him and me :)

Friday, February 1, 2013


Lately this little guy has been poking me like crazy all day long!  Still nothing to feel from the outside but what I can feel is sometimes painful.  He is one strong little guy!!!

Tonight we went for our 20 week ultrasound.  We brought Kailey again and also invited mom along.  The tech said she was going to get all the necessary pictures first and then would turn the screen for me to see.  Kailey was interested for about 5 minutes and then was over it.  Mom kept tilting her head trying to figure out what she was looking at.  A few times the tech also did this and gave out a few sighs.  The baby was moving a lot. So much that she was having a hard time getting pictures.  His heartbeat was between 144-150.  I don't think she could get an accurate reading since he was moving so much.

Earlier in the day my right side was really sore.  I asked if his head was over on this side. She said that when we started his head was down and butt was up.  By the middle of the ultrasound he was breech.

After all the readings she had, I got to watch a little.  His one leg was straight while the other was bent with his foot up by his business and he had a hand down there too.  His legs were all over the place.  The whole ultrasound took 45 minutes!

I asked about my due date and she said that according to my menstrual cycle, I am at June 22 which is 1 day earlier than before.  But he is still measuring big and thinking my due date is June 14.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


I am sitting at work right now and all of a sudden feeling some weird movement going on.  Looks like I am feeling little Laserbomb for the first time!  Nothing anyone could feel from the outside but I think he is doing some somersaults in there!  Holy cow!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Just a cute story....

This morning Kailey woke up and the baby must have been on her mind.  She said she wanted to tickle the baby and then she kissed my belly.  She also gave her brother a hug.  She is going to be such a great big sister!


Told you I couldn't wait!  We went to Peek a Belly tonight to see what is going on in this belly!  The place was so cool.  The room had 2 large screen tv's in it, a few seats and a recliner.

I popped up on the table and we went right too it.  She turned the sound on to hear the heartbeat.  Kailey was amazed!  We got a teddy bear with the baby's heartbeat in it for her.  It's super cool.

The tech was having a hard time seeing the gender since the baby's booty was up in the air.  The feet were over the head and was doing all kinds of moving around.  When she had a good picture, she told us we could video Kailey's reaction and after we hit record, she said "You're having a brother!"

She then turned over to the 4D which was wild!  We could see the baby's face and his arm was moving like crazy.  He was so active!

I got a little emotional but not as much as when we found out about Kailey.  I think because I thought it was a boy all along but am so excited.  When we left, Rob said that he thought he would have been more emotional but all he could think was, "What can I have for dessert tonight?"

So now we know and can start buying clothes and all other blue things that we need. It's still is sinking in :)


What a weird dream!  Last night I had a dream that at 4 months pregnant, I went into labor.  I started at the doctors office and somehow magically ended up in the hospital.  Dr Mauro was there to deliver.  He pulled the baby out and said, "do you want to know the sex?"  He says that it's a boy and shoves the baby back inside me and says we need to wait longer to deliver.  When I shove, I mean looks like he has a football in his hand and throws it back in!

So now I am convinced it's a boy.  I had a dream with Kailey too.  I was in bed and it's like my belly just unzipped, she popped out and said that I was going to be a good mommy and then back inside.  I am thinking it was probably even around this same time.  I'll have to go back and look at her blog that I kept. 

I am getting super anxious so we may end up at Peek a Belly in Lockport to see what this baby is!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Today was my monthly check up with Dr. Mauro.  It was super quick!  He asked how I was doing and listened to the babies heart beat which was at 150.  I asked him if I should be this big already and he just kinda laughed and said I was measuring normal.  Instead of 4 months, I feel about 6 months pregnant!

Still feeling the same. Heartburn once in awhile but not too bad, get a little queasy here and there and still am having a hard time with cooking meat and eating some meat.

I bought a few new shirts for work since over the holiday break I wore a lot of tshirts and hoodies and didn't realize that a lot of my shirts didn't fit very well.

The doctor said I have 3 more weeks until doing my next ultrasound but I am getting really anxious!  We may be visiting Peek A Belly sooner than later!

Kailey has been so sweet about the baby.  She will come up and kiss my belly or tell me how much she loves my belly.   She talked about the baby and how it will be a boy or a girl.  Well kiddo, I hope so!  She tells me the baby is growing up in my belly and will stretch her arms out really wide and will tell me it will get this big!  I have to bring her arms in and show her how big the baby will really be :)